The Lion King Has One of the Best Endings in All Of Cinema

What makes it so emotionally charged?

Jeff Valdivia
5 min readMar 9, 2023
Photo by Hana El Zohiry on Unsplash

The Lion King is a Disney classic, as I’m sure you know. And part of what makes it so good is that it’s relatable.

Simba’s journey is really all of our journeys. That’s what makes for a good story — that we can see ourselves, in all our glorious ridiculousness, in the actions of its characters.

Simba is relatable because he’s real. He’s bratty and spoiled. He’s scared and ashamed. He’s lazy and fun-loving. He’s hiding a deep hurt in his heart. He needs an old friend to knock some sense into him. He learns that some things are worth taking responsibility for. He discovers his courage. He takes his place in the world.

It would be unusual for this not to resonate. This is a version of the Hero’s Journey, which is an archetypical story. It inevitably evokes powerful emotions because we all identify with this journey. It’s one of the most fundamental journeys a human can take.

But the brilliance of the Lion King goes beyond its telling of the Hero’s Journey.

The layers keep pulling back

The ending of the Lion King is so powerful because it’s layered with emotion and meaning.



Jeff Valdivia

Following my curiosity and hoping it will lead me to wisdom. I write about psychology, meditation, self-development, and spirituality.