My biggest aha moment is really vivid in my mind. I was about 5 months into an 8-month long trip with my ex. We had been fighting about the usual stuff... mostly jealously type stuff. When all of a sudden, for the first time in my life, I saw my "ego"--the thing that I had created which I believed was "me". The only reason I knew it was my "ego" is because it was like I could see through it, like a crack had formed and light was shining through. I noticed that there was something deeper, hidden underneath layers of "self" meticulously laid down to build this idea of who I was. My life sort of unravelled over the coming year or two. That was eight years ago. To say that things are fundamentally different today would be an understatement. I can now only vaguely understand my motivations and thought processes before that moment.
So, yeah, I agree that a deepening understanding of awareness helps to wash away layers of "me". It's been a slow process but then again I don't meditate more than 10 minutes a day. I do however try to bring mindfulness into other things that I do, with varying degress of success! lol
What was your aha moment?