Hi Maya, thanks for an interesting read! I don't know anything about trad wives, but I can relate to your desire for simplicity. A couple of years ago, I had a bit of a meltdown because I felt like my life was out of control. I was being pulled this way and that, and at the end of the day, I wasn't doing the things I really wanted to do. So, I did a bit of a mass purge (and definitely overdid it). But I have to admit, there is beauty in simplicity. I learned that my schedule doesn't need to be overflowing with commitments. And I've found some degree of peace.
In terms of this trad wife you follow, I wonder how peaceful or simple her life really is. Having (and entertaining) 37k followers must be stressful. Feeling the constant pressure to post about something new and interesting... curating a life to make it look perfect... raising however many kids in between. That doesn't sound simple, it sounds busy. Not that I think anyone's life is perfect. But, when looking over the proverbial fence, the grass always looks greener until you get a little closer and start seeing all the yellow.